About Mark Missigman

You want to be successful. The key ingredient to anyone’s success is how well they can influence others to help them. Influence is leadership, by my definition “is the ability to change thoughts or actions by others, influence, through agreement.”

I have been leading for over 44 years. In some form or fashion, I have influenced someone, an organization, or a team in which I was responsible for results.

I proudly served the United States Navy for 20 years where my leadership ability was cultivated and matured. I participated in several combat situations, mentored dozens of sailors, and served with great leaders who helped shape my leadership skills. After retiring from naval service in 2004, I continued to serve my country as a consultant. As such my business line grew from one employee and $100,000 in revenue to ten and $2.2 million. I have over 30 years of leadership experience working for you.

As the owner of my company and an Executive Director of The John Maxwell Team, I am certified to facilitate, speak, train, and coach individuals and groups in the areas of leadership development, professional skills, and personal growth. Trained and mentored by John Maxwell and mentors of his world-class faculty, I am equipped with the tools, resources, and experience to help you and your team improve your productivity, performance, and profitability. Whether you are looking for a facilitator for group workshops, corporate training in leadership, speaking, sales, or coaching skills for your leaders, or a speaker for your next event, I can deliver the training you need to help you reach your goals and objectives.

A company or organization is not the name on the door or the logo in the ad. It is the people that walk the halls, fill the offices, and most importantly, interact with the customers. How can we ensure success? Through effective, intelligent, and strong leadership that influences people to perform at peak effectiveness. Leadership is the catalyst for success or failure. Good leadership skills will have a multiplying effect on your sphere of influence. Why not become the best leader you can be? My goal is to increase and sharpen your leadership skills leveraging the experiences that I have had, what I have learned, and what I continue to learn. I want you to be as successful as you can be; I believe "everything rises and falls on leadership". For a leader to be effective he or she must always be learning. 


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